This berthing application must be submitted no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date of discharge of inbound cargo or receipt of outbound cargo.

For any questions or follow-ups about your request please contact the Board’s Marine Operations Department at 504.528.3216 or

The berthing application is available as a fillable PDF form here for submission.

You may also fill out the form below and submit via an electronic signature.

Berthing Application

This application is hereby made in compliance with and subject to all published tariffs and ordinances of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans (“Board”).  The party submitting the application for berth (“Applicant”) shall be considered the agent for the above-named vessel (“Vessel”), and hereby assumes responsibility for all charges assessable against the Vessel and any additional charges resulting from services from the terminal(s) where the Vessel is either working or at layberth. 

This application must be submitted no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date of discharge of inbound cargo or receipt of outbound cargo.  Failure to complete this application in its entirety may result in rejection of the application by the Board. In accordance with FMC Tariff Items No. 228 & 300, Applicant shall submit a copy of Vessel’s inbound cargo manifest together with this application. Vessel’s outbound cargo manifest shall be furnished within seven (7) working days following the completion of cargo operations.  Berth assignment shall be limited to space specified above.  In the event that additional space is required, a supplemental application must be submitted.  Applicant shall immediately notify the Board’s Marine Operations Department at of any change in Vessel ETA. All posted wharf load limitations shall be observed.  

Applicant further agrees that the above-named stevedore (“Stevedore”) shall serve as the Vessel’s agent for purposes of renting and utilizing cranes and/or other equipment owned by the Board during the Vessel’s berth, and hereby confirms that Stevedore has been granted authority to enter into agreements in connection therewith on behalf of the Vessel. Applicant understands that it shall be bound by the actions of Stevedore with respect to such agreements as if Applicant executed them directly.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby request berthing for the above listed Vessel and have provided the required information herein.  I agree, as the agent or authorized representative for the agent requesting berth, that this form is complete.  I further certify that funds sufficient to cover anticipated charges to the Vessel based on the Board’s published tariffs and ordinances have been received from the owner/operator/charterer of the Vessel.

Applicant consents to the execution of the application by electronic signature in accordance with the terms of the Electronic Signatures Act, 15 U.S.C. § 7001, et seq., and agrees that such signature shall not be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form.

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