PORT NOLA Strategic Master Plan

The Port of New Orleans’ Strategic Master Plan envisions significant, sustained economic benefit throughout the Port’s jurisdiction and across all its lines of business over the next 20 years, with significant investments in existing facilities and new assets.

To learn more, contact the VP of External Affairs at 504.528.3379.

Port Inner Harbor Economic Revitalization Plan (PIER Plan)

The Port NOLA Inner Harbor Economic Revitalization Plan (PIER Plan) is the result of a collaborative planning project with the City of New Orleans, our key partners, the New Orleans Regional Planning Commission, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, and the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, and a long list of many stakeholder organizations.

The PIER Plan focuses on the future development of the Port's Inner Harbor and surrounding communities. This planning effort was funded by a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grant.

The final PIER Plan was adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans on April 23, 2020 after years of rigorous analysis and stakeholder engagement. The final PIER Plan document is now available here.