Port NOLA Forward: Port of New Orleans launches its Strategic Master Plan to drive the region’s economy well into the future

The Port of New Orleans officially launched its Strategic Master Plan in May 2018 when its Board of Commissioners voted to adopt it at their monthly board meeting. Aptly titled “Port NOLA Forward,” the plan is a bold vision to deliver significant, sustained economic benefit throughout the Port’s three-parish jurisdiction — Jefferson, Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes. This will be accomplished by providing needed infrastructure and seamless logistics solutions that incorporate the industry’s changing needs and exceed customers’ expectations.
“This is more than a maritime plan and it is not just a Port plan,” said Brandy D. Christian, Port NOLA President and CEO and New Orleans Public Belt CEO. “The Gateway Master Plan is a strategic roadmap that can help ensure the region’s prosperity over the long-term across industries.”
The Strategic Master Plan positions the Port to think more cohesively about growing its vital maritime and hospitality industries, and to consider the supply chain as a whole by harnessing all available multimodal assets, on and off Port property, along the Mississippi River and inland waterway system, on the Public Belt and six Class I rail network, and via access to interstate highways.
“Our future will be that of a state-of-the-art integrated urban port with an urban railroad, which enables us to think more comprehensively about freight movement and our multimodal efforts,” said Christian.
The plan presents a menu of strategies to optimize current assets and extend the Port’s reach across all business lines. At the plan’s core—and a necessary ingredient for its success—is collaborative partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, broadly defined. Throughout the planning process, the Port invited the participation of its tenants, carriers, customers, Federal, State and local elected officials, economic development and civic leaders, and its neighbors, residents who rely on the Port for family-supporting jobs. In all, more than 500 people informed the plan.
Ultimately, the Strategic Master Plan will ensure the Port is able to fully harness the potential of the region with clear, wide guidelines to capitalize on its gateway position rather than prescriptive land use mandates.
The Port NOLA Strategic Master Plan is a broad and adaptive way forward for the Port, its stakeholders and the entire region. It’s four guiding goals are:
- Operate efficiently
- Capitalize on Gateway position
- Strengthen relationships and connect our stakeholders
- Develop sustainably
To learn more about the Port NOLA Strategic Master Plan, please visit the website here.
Published: June 6, 2018