Port of New Orleans Celebrates National Maritime Month

NEW ORLEANS—May 2, 2019—The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) celebrates its third annual Maritime Month May 1-31 and National Maritime Day on May 22 to pay tribute to the region’s rich maritime history and to recognize the hardworking men and women who serve in the industry.
The theme of Port NOLA’s 2019 Maritime Month is “Your Working River” and features a variety of events, promotions and partnerships to honor the Port’s vital role in job creation and its connection to the community.
“Each year we are pleased to collaborate with our stakeholders to celebrate the dedicated men and women of the maritime industry and the work they do every day that contributes to our Port mission of creating jobs for Louisiana families,” said Brandy D. Christian, President and CEO of Port NOLA and CEO of New Orleans Public Belt (NOPB). “Maritime Month is an opportunity for the Port and the Public Belt to connect with our community and invite our neighbors to see for themselves what we experience daily — the working river in action.”
The 2019 campaign kicked off when the Board of Commissioners of Port NOLA approved a resolution officially declaring May 2019 as Maritime Month.
Port NOLA has also partnered with WWL-TV to broadcast 30-second commercials, blog posts, and website ads throughout the month touting the benefits of “Your Working River.” On National Maritime Day, May 22, Port NOLA will host WWL-TV’s Morning News Show for a live broadcast from the Mississippi River aboard Port NOLA’s fireboat, the General Roy S. Kelley.
Port NOLA will also host local students from STEM NOLA who will participate in a Working River Day May 18. The educational event will take place on the banks of the river and will allow students from grades 3-12 to learn about the diverse career paths available in the maritime industry. STEM NOLA is a nonprofit organization that works to expose, inspire and engage members in the surrounding communities about opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
The Port will honor the men and women who serve in the Harbor Police Department during National Police Week May 12-18. As part of National Travel and Tourism Week, May 5-11, Port NOLA will participate in a pep rally hosted by New Orleans and Company at Champions Square to celebrate the tourism industry, which is supported by the cruise business at Port NOLA. On May 12, NOPBwillrevealmaritimeandrailroadrelatedartworkonlocalutilityboxesintheFrenchQuarterdirectly across from Jackson Square that demonstrates the industry’s proximity and connection to the community.
Global Maritime Ministries sponsors a Port Worker Appreciation Lunch to honor those employees who are important to Port NOLA’s mission to drive the economy for its tri-parish jurisdiction, state and region. On May 23, NOPB will host a Procurement Day to engage and connect with local businesses. Finally, the Port will host its monthly public boat tour on May 31.
Throughout May, Port NOLA will also hold an ongoing social media contest, encouraging photographers of any skill level to capture images that depict the working river. Participants are encouraged to share their photos with the hashtag #portnolamaritimemonth and tag Port NOLA’s social media pages in their posts. Winners will be selected weekly to receive Port NOLA merchandise.
“As the unified voice of seaports in the Americas, AAPA is proud to recognize the contributions of our member port authorities as we celebrate Maritime Month in May,” said Kurt Nagle, President and CEO of the American Association of Port Authorities. “In recognizing the value that maritime activities play in the economic vitality, support of American jobs and enhancing our daily lives, Maritime Month is also an opportunity to remind policymakers that ports need their support to be successful in facilitating the movement of trade that links all of us to the global economy.”
Declared by Congress in 1933, National Maritime Day calls attention to America’s proud maritime heritage and to honor the men and women who serve and have served as U.S. merchant mariners.