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Port of New Orleans and New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Boards Elect Langenstein Chairman
March 25, 2021
The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans selected new officers with the election of William H. Langenstein, III as Chairman, Charles H. Ponstein as Vice Chairman and Jack C. Jensen, Jr. as Secretary-Treasurer during the March 25 monthly Board meeting.

Ocean Carrier Veteran Todd Rives Joins Port of New Orleans as VP/Chief Commercial Officer
February 1, 2021
Today, the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) welcomed Todd Rives to the executive team as Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer. Rives’ maritime strategic business development and leadership experience, which includes 15 years with ocean carrier CMA CGM, will help Port NOLA fully realize current and future growth opportunities.

Railway Age Magazine Honors New Orleans Public Belt Railroad's Tomeka Watson Bryant With "20 Under 40" Award
January 26, 2021
Railway Age Magazine recently named Tomeka Watson Bryant, Marketing and Sales Manager for the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Commission (NOPB), to its prestigious Fast Trackers "20 Under 40" list.

New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Shatters Safety Record
January 7, 2021
The New Orleans Public Railroad (NOPB) had zero reportable injuries and zero reportable human factor derailments in over 365 days. This is the first time reaching this milestone for NOPB and a significant accomplishment in the railroad industry, which holds itself to stringent safety standards.

THE Alliance has announced a new direct-Asia container service that will call the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA), the East Coast Loop 6 (EC6) service via the Panama Canal. Members of THE Alliance Ocean Network Express (ONE), Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) and Yang Ming Line stated they are launching the EC6, calling it “the first service within THE Alliance network to directly and seamlessly connect the U.S. Gulf with important ports in Asia.” This new service will launch in April 2021.

The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) is set to begin the due diligence process for a potential $1.5 billion multimodal container terminal to serve the largest container vessels calling in the Gulf of Mexico. Following unanimous approval at today’s Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Port NOLA intends to acquire property in St. Bernard Parish and begin a two-year due diligence and permitting period that will include robust community engagement.

Brandy D. Christian Receives 2020 C. Alvin Bertel Award
November 18, 2020
Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) President and CEO and CEO of the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad (NOPB) Brandy D. Christian received the 2020 C. Alvin Bertel Award at the annual World Trade Center award ceremony and luncheon held this afternoon.

EPA Awards $1.24 Million Grant to Port NOLA’s Clean Truck Replacement Incentive Program
November 5, 2020
The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) received a United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant for $1.24 million for the Port’s Clean Truck Replacement Incentive Program (Clean TRIP), which gives truck and fleet owners who serve Port NOLA an opportunity to voluntarily replace older, inefficient drayage trucks with cleaner models.

Today, the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) and Gulf Stream Marine (GSM) announced that GSM will begin operations at Alabo Street Wharf as a new Port NOLA tenant.

Mississippi River Ship Channel Deepening to 50 Feet Begins
September 11, 2020
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) officially kicked off the historic deepening of the Mississippi River Ship Channel to 50 feet tonight (September 11, 2020), as Weeks Marine’s cutterhead dredge CAPTAIN FRANK started dredging 5 miles above the Head of Passes.

Port of New Orleans Nabs 15 AAPA Communications Awards
August 20, 2020
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) honored the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) with 15 communications awards as part of the trade association’s 54th annual Communications Awards Program recognizing member seaports for exemplary communications projects and programs. This year for the first time, each of Port NOLA’s entries received an award, and the 15 awards also represents Port NOLA’s largest number of wins in a single year.

State of Louisiana, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sign Agreement to Deepen Lower Mississippi River to 50 Feet
July 31, 2020
Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards and other top Louisiana officials signed a formal agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to begin construction on the deepening of the Lower Mississippi River to 50 feet from 45 feet. This project will provide deep draft access to the ports at Baton Rouge, New Orleans, South Louisiana, St. Bernard and Plaquemines.